icfai university faculty

icfai university academics


ICFAI Group plays a significant role in ensuring quality education through an interactive teaching methodology by its experienced and trained faculty. The Faculty bring their extensive knowledge, professional experience, and advanced education to their tasks at the ICFAI Group institutions of excellence. The faculty members have very good academic backgrounds from leading institutions like IITs, IIMs, IISc, NALSAR, etc.

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Facilities for Teaching Staff

  • Consultancy
  • Recognition and Rewards viz. SIP Best Teacher Award, SIP supervision Incentives
  • Faculty members are encouraged to take up consultancy, projects and research work
  • Course load reduction for faculty members with quality research publications
  • Intellectual Capital Contribution Scheme to attend Conference / Seminars
  • Incentives for Publications
IFHE Hyderabad

ICFAI School of Architecture

IFHE Hyderabad

ICFAI Law School

IFHE Hyderabad

ICFAI School of Social Sciences